Spreading Bliss was founded on 24th July, 2018, under companies act of 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014]
It was founded by a mother & daughter duo who have always believed in helping whomever they can with whatever they can. Spreading Bliss aims to eradicate humanitarian and animal crisis. Spreading Bliss also aims to work towards creating awareness, empowerment, and education. As the name suggests, spreading bliss, along with your help is our true motive.
Donate"We, the Spreading Bliss Foundation are a team working progressively with a goal to serve as many lives as we can. We aim to reduce hunger, create awareness about equality in various branches of the society. We aim to empower ones who truly deserve encouragement. We believe education is the key to liberating a person and that makes education one of our major working areas. "
We believe there’s no greater deed than helping.
We believe helping is a silent language of love.
We believe helping keeps hope alive.
We believe helping others is truly spreading bliss.
You may find people who try their best to be kind but people with a heart of gold are rare. Taruna Singh is precisely a fierce & strong woman with golden heart. She started her career making and selling buckles for women. She knew she had a long way to go. Although every challenge she faced only made her stronger and more humble. She then took a leap of faith and entered the garment business. She grew slowly & steadily and continued to work on her small business until a few years back. And here’s the thing about her that led her to dream of Spreading Bliss: no matter where she was, she always helped the needy with whatever she could. She now manages Spreading Bliss along with her daughter and our second founder Ritika Rohit Dubey.
People in her life can literally call her at 4 a.m. and she’ll be all ears to hear what they have to say. It’s definitely the “Like mother, like daughter” case over here. Ritika grew up watching her hardworking and obliging mother. Who despite of her hardships never gave up kindness. And just like her mother, Ritika also had a vision of building a platform to help people on a larger scale. She did her MBA in Event Management and even worked in the event field for a few years. She then started working on her ultimate vision which was Spreading Bliss. She changed her career and started working at various NGOs in Mumbai — only to learn how she could build one herself. Finally, in 2018, the mother-daughter duo were able to bring their dream to life. Ritika is also pursuing Law to be better at what she’s doing and additionally even help people who can’t afford a lawyer.
We’ve envisioned to encourage education & help children who still cannot afford it.
Our mission is to help as many women as we can with basic necessities.
We hope to help people who work day and night only to make their ends meet with ration kits and other basic necessities.
We aim to add equality & humanity as much as we can in the society.
We aim to empower those who truly deserve encouragement. We believe education is the key to liberating a person and that makes education one of our major working areas.